Monday, August 22, 2016

The cold hard truth:diabetes

prescription-drugs-money featured on 83,719 August 22, 2016 Last year, our team of doctors at the ICTM helped 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring. This year we are on track to help over 30,000 diabetics achieve "the impossible". The diabetes breakthrough you are about to discover on this page is twice as effective as the leading type 2 drug at normalizing blood sugar, fixing insulin resistance, stopping neuropathy pain, preventing blindness, amputations and other diabetes problems. These techniques have been used successfully by tens of thousands of people in over 40 countries and have helped type 2 diabetics eliminate the need for drugs and insulin injections while helping type ones greatly reduce their drug and injection dosages. cold-hard-truths-about-diabetes Countless studies from scientists and doctors all over the world have proven that people with type 2 diabetes can normalize blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, end neuropathy pain, lower risk of blindness, amputations and be taken off all diabetes drugs and insulin injections. Patients with type 1 diabetes are also able to greatly reduce drug and insulin dosages while lowering blood sugar. diabetes study scientific findings Scientifically proven diabetes study The cold hard truth: By living with diabetes and by taking your prescribed medication, you are under the constant daily threat of dying of a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, succumbing to blindness, amputations, neuropathy, hypertension, nerve system disease, high cholesterol, depression, and falling into a coma. Those are just the side-effects of living with diabetes. Now lets add the side-effects from the drugs that are supposed to "help" you; hepatitis, liver problems, acidosis leading to death within hours, heart attacks, stroke, increased risk of cancer, weakened immune system, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, heart failure, etc. If you think it will ever get better, it won't. It has been scientifically proven that simply treating diabetes with conventional methods does not stop the disease. Over time, diabetics are prescribed higher and higher dosages of drugs. Then when those fail, they get prescribed insulin injections on top of drugs. It doesn't matter if you follow your doctors recommendations and dosages exactly as prescribed. This isn't a question of IF, but WHEN. Your health will get worse. The drugs you take will fail. The insulin injections you take will also fail. STOP If you have diabetes, you simply cannot continue this way - sooner rather than later you WILL die; either from diabetes, its complications, or side-effects from the drugs you take. And it won't be quietly in your sleep either. Getting rushed to the hospital while the paramedics break all of your ribs giving you CPR will be hell on earth. Spending your last moments with tubes and pumps and ventilators in unbearable agony, you will wish you did something sooner. If you are OK with slowly losing your vision and then going blind as diabetes destroys the blood vessels in your eyes causing them to wither and die, if you're perfectly fine with dying 9 years earlier, possibly not waking up tomorrow, dropping dead at any moment or having your legs amputated. If you are OK with not seeing your kids or grandkids grow up, then please, close this page and go back to what you were doing. If on the other hand you're tired of the constant blood sugar readings, the tedious drug reigmens, constantly worrying about the health problems waiting for you in a few years. If you are tired of being lied to and are ready to finally learn the truth about this disease and find out how tens of thousands of type 2 diabetics completely reversed their diabetes, normalized their blood sugar and were taken off all drugs and injections, then read on. The Root Cause of Diabetes: It might be hard to believe, but when you prick your finger with a meter and see a blood sugar reading of let's say 250, it's NOT because you have diabetes! Some people can walk around with blood sugar as high as 300 without having diabetes. How is this possible? It all comes down to a single word: INFLAMMATION. Ever wondered why diabetics have such high rates of heart disease, heart attacks, cancer, high cholesterol, blindness, arthritis, and neuropathy? Inflammation. Just recently; February 2015, Scientists and researchers at the University of California San Diego proved that type 2 diabetes is caused by inflammation: they discovered that an inflammatory molecule called LTB4 causes insulin resistance. And what does insulin resistance lead to? high blood sugar and diabetes. This is the reason why treating your blood sugar with drugs and injecting insulin to combat insulin sensitivity will never heal your diabetes; because you aren't treating the root cause of diabetes, just the symptoms of it. Drugs Treat Symptoms, Not Disease Let's compare how we treat diabetes to how we treat the cold or flu. What are the symptoms of the flu? Fever and congestion. What is the cause of the flu itself? A virus. If we treat the symptoms of the flu - bring down fever, take some decongestants, will that cure the flu? No. It will make you feel better, but it will not in any way make the flu better because we haven't actually treated the flu itself. We simply treated the SYMPTOMS. You are still sick with the flu, but now you feel a bit better. Or another example. Let's say you broke your leg. What are the symptoms? Bleeding and lots of pain. If you take pain killers and wrap your leg in a bandage to stop the bleeding, have you fixed your broken leg? No, you simply treated the symptoms. You still have a problem - the broken leg. So how does this compare to diabetes? Exactly the same. What are the symptoms of diabetes? High blood sugar and insulin resistance. What do doctors prescribe? Pills to lower blood sugar and insulin to help with insulin resistance. Have you actually done anything to treat diabetes itself? No. You have simply treated the SYMPTOMS of it. So again, you are still sick, you still have a problem, but now you feel a little better. Warning Signs When you get sick, your body shows symptoms. Shouldn't you treat the underlying disease and not the symptoms? Imagine a car. Something is wrong in the engine. A red warning light turns on - a symptom of a faulty engine. What would you do? Treat the red warning light or the actual engine? Modern medical and pharmaceutical industry treats the red warning light. This is exactly what you do every single day by taking diabetes drugs or insulin - you aren't treating diabetes, you are treating the red warning lights - high blood sugar and insulin resistance. This is preciesly why no prescription drug or insulin injection has ever prevented, stopped or reversed diabetes - and yet they are the only things doctors prescribe. Compared to natural nutrition based treatments that actually HAVE prevented and totally reversed type 2 diabetes, doctors still only prescribe completely useless and very dangerous drugs. The big question you have to ask is Why? Why are doctors prescribing something that has proven to NOT work? Now imagine if you knew the truth. Imagine if you began using methods that have been verified and proven to work. Imagine if you had access to all of this medical research and the exact methods thousands of diabetics used to become completely healed. No more needles No more expensive and dangerous diabetes medications No more finger pricking or test strips No more trips to the doctor for disappointing test after disappointing test No more frustration and embarrassment Would you use this information to help yourself, your kids, relatives, family and friends? Read on because you're about to receive it. more drugs The medical industry passed a law stating that "Only a drug can cure, prevent or treat a disease". Yes you read that right. All those studies you just saw, the ones with thousands of patients, conducted by scientists from all over the world proving how you can prevent, treat, and reverse type 2 diabetes without drugs, are just figments of your imagination. diabetes facts you can't ignore Losing Weight Will NOT Cure Your Diabetes: From the day you’ve been diagnosed, everyone has been saying the same old thing: “lose weight, lose weight, lose weight.” veggies Guess what? Shedding a few pounds isn’t going to hurt (it’s actually quite beneficial) but weight loss by itself is no cure! Scientists discovered that it's actually the food you eat than can make or break diabetes. A large study done at the University of California, Los Angeles discovered that "contrary to common belief, Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome can be reversed solely through lifestyle changes." And these people didn't have to lose tons of weight: "the changes occurred in the absence of major weight loss". Type 2 Diabetes Is Not a Life Sentence: Most doctors only talk about diabetes treatment, diabetes management and diabetic control using drugs, pills, injections and surgery. When powerful, quick and easy drug-free treatment methods exist! Diabetes Drugs Are Extremely Dangerous: Not only are diabetes drugs ineffective at attacking the root cause of your diabetes, they are extremely dangerous too. Over 100,000 people die every single year from drugs properly prescribed by their doctor. Not only could your diabetes kill you, but the drugs you are taking could take you down any day too. Diabetes drugs artificially adjust your blood sugar, they don't do anything to address the root cause of your disease. They are only made to 'treat' and 'manage'. So you still live with the constant daily threat of heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure, limb amputations, dementia, hypertension, nerve system disease, high cholesterol, depression, coma and blindness. Do you really want to continue down this path? one of the worst things you can do to not take into account the huge amout of research that proves type 2 diabetes is reversible. It is quite obvious that drugs and injections aren't helping eliminate diabetes. How long have diabetics been taking prescription drugs and injecting insulin? It has been decades since these treatments came out. And yet the rates of diabetes aren't decreasing, they are actually growing! Isn't it time to try something else? Something that's been scientifically proven to work better, faster and is cheaper and safer than prescription drugs. Tried and tested methods that attack the root cause of diabetes. We couldn't just sit there and watch as millions of diabetics suffer their whole lives, waste money on useless treatments, and then still die of horrible complications. This is why we have assembled a team of doctors who have already used these scientifically proven methods to treat many of their own diabetes patients with enormous success. Created and directed by Max Sidorov K.N, NLP, V.M, we are the International Council for Truth in Medicine (The ICTM). ictm and the doctors with max logo We think you deserve to know the truth about our medical system, food and drug system, and health policy. You deserve to be informed about the variety of safer, cheaper and faster methods other than drugs, injections or surgery for treating and beating your diabetes. We'd like to give you this framework of knowledge that you can use to begin your path to health today. . reverse your type 2 diabetes 7 steps to health diabetes book You can take your health back into your own hands. You can free yourself from the shackles of constant blood sugar readings, daily drug regimens and even prevent the horrible health complications that await diabetics down the road. We have assembled hundreds of suppressed scientific studies and powerful medical research into an easy to read and understand step by step health guide called "The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie". It has already been used to help tens of thousands of diabetics all over the world. Learn the truth about these life changing scientifically proven diabetes treatment methods and embark on the path to kicking your diabetes' butt for good. Last year we helped 17,542 type 2 patients become diabetes free. They don't have to take any more drugs, inject insulin or worry about horrible complications. This year we are on track to help 30,000. Will you be one of them? success stories stvv If only I found this site before! The life saving information changed my life around. Thanks a lot for opening my eyes. I can't believe how much money I've wasted buying all those drugs. With your help, no more! I have lost a lot of weight, and my doctor can't believe his eyes when he sees me at my appointments. I am off my blood pressure meds and insulin. thank you! Stav, Gloucestershire, England vns After I was diagnosed at 29 I wanted to try anything at all to get better. I had tingling in my arms, numbness, eye sight problems, and my legs would cramp up after long walks. After trying your 7 Steps program and following it exactly I am happy to say that my pains are going away! I am feeling way better now than I've ever felt before. Blood sugar is normalized and no numbness. My eyes are even getting better. It was hard at first, changing so many things in my died. I never knew how absolutely horrendous the food that I was eating was. I was slowly killing myself and didn't even know it. But after sticking to it, I am now much better. Make sure to take vitamins and drink lots of water. Great job! -Vanessa T, Texas jry I'd like to send you my heartfelt review to anyone who is also suffering and is thinking of giving up hope. After my diagnosis I thought that was the end, that I have sinned and am now being punished for something I did. Felt like my life was done, over. I had nothing to lose, so I tried the 7 Steps to Health, and you know what? I can't believe this. I stuck to the plan and have succeeded. The main thing to remember is stick to it, Max knows his stuff. The research is solid and the methods work. How many years did it take you to get the way you are? Well it's going to take a bit of time to get back to normal health, nothing happens overnight. I am extremely happy and would encourage everyone to try the program. Jerry, Raleigh, North Carolina br I am writing to tell you what an incredible impact these methods had on my life! I have had type 2 diabetes for 27 years. For me, the worst part of this horrible disease is the severe pain I constantly get in my feet. The pain is so bad that I avoid standing and walking as much as possible. I've got to tell you that within the first month, my feet stopped hurting altogether and I can now walk totally pain free. Believe it or not, I even danced at my niece's wedding last month, something I have not done in a many years. I've been following the book for six months now and my blood sugar is well within normal range. I feel great and just wanted to thank you for the improvement you have made in the quality of my life. -Brian, Reno NV shr I am a 45 year old woman and was recently diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic. I knew something was wrong because, I have always been healthy my whole life, but of late began feeling exhausted all the time. My doctor prescribed some medication, but before filling it I decided to do some research on the internet which led me to the 7 Steps to Health. After reading your ebook and applying the methods, my scepticism turned to 100% belief. I noticed that my energy levels increased significantly and I felt more rested in the morning, my symptoms started going away and I was even losing weight. I am very happy to tell you that I have been feeling better than I have felt in years and my doctor informed me that he will be taking me off my prescriptions if I keep this up. This book is a godsend. -Sherry, Denver CO mrtn I am a type 2 diabetic, who also has high cholesterol. I have tried several medications (for both my diabetes and my high cholesterol) but just hated the side effects. I found this site while searching for alternative treatments. After changing my lifestyle quite a bit and doing everything in the book for nearly 3 months, I had my annual checkup. I did not say a word to my doctor about what I had been taking. When the lab results came back, he personally called me and I could tell that was obviously very excited. He asked me What the heck I had been doing because my glucose reading had gone down 32 points and my cholesterol profile had significantly improved as well. You've made a believer out of me and my doctor. Thank you so much! -Merton, Richmond VA alc I have totally changed my eating habits as outlined in the 7 Steps to Health and am totally amazed at the results I have gotten, in such a short period of time. My blood sugar has averaged 103 over the past two weeks compared to the 160 I was averaging before. This is far better than I was expecting, particularly so soon. As you can imagine, I am delighted. -Alice, Bakersfield CA stv I have enjoyed your program immensely. I know that it will be easy for me to adopt this as a lifestyle. I have lost weight every week and I feel so much better than before. I am 5'6 and started out at 204 pounds. I have a big frame and have lost 48 pounds in 7 months! I want to compliment your program on its balance and emphasis on nutrition. A wonderful benefit other than feeling better and having more energy is that my problem with leg cramps has almost disappeared. I see that for me the key to weight control is planning - thinking about what I eat and portion control. When I do that, it works beautifully and I'm not hungry. -Steve, Canberra, Australia dna I have been doing the 7 Steps to Health for 3 weeks now, and have noticed a significant improvement. I feel better than I have in years. My average glucose readings have gone from 12.5 - 16 mmol/L to 6 - 8.5 mmol/L. Obviously, I am quite pleased with the results so far. I have tried several other products advertised on the internet but they did not work like this, not even close. Thanks for showing us the path Max! -Donna, Vancouver, Canada vck I started on the 7 Steps to Health about 6 months ago after being diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. I didn't want to take any pharmaceutical drugs and a friend of mine, who is into natural health, recommended this ebook. The results have been nothing less than remarkable. My sugar stays in the 90 to 105 range. I have thanked my friend countless times for her recommendation and I also wanted to write you this note to express my sincerest gratitude to you for writing this. -Vikky, Glen Rock NJ and I have been diabetic for 12 years. A friend of mine recommended that I do something about it or risk dying an early death, so I researched natural ways to beat diabetes and found 7 Steps to Health. I monitor my blood glucose levels very closely and was completely amazed that within 1 month of starting on the 7 Steps to Health, my blood sugar levels stabilized between 120 to 125 without any insulin at all! This far exceeded my expectation. Thank you so much! -Andy, San Diego, CA jna I recently found out that I am a nearly a border line diabetic and decided that I need to completely change my life and eating habits. I found the 7 Steps to Health, have been following the guide for a few months now and just saw my Doctor a few days ago. He says my condition is completely under control! How could this be, but it is true! He said that I need to keep this up - which was just following your program. That is exactly what I will continue doing. -Jana W, Boise ID st I've started the 7 Steps to Health about a year ago and the results are spectacular. My blood sugar dropped, I got off my meds and I have lost about 40 pounds of weight. My blood sugar is so stable that even my doctor is amazed. This lifestyle is definitely worth it. -Sati, Miami FL gry I've been Diabetic for nearly a decade. My doctor's prescribed me on Glucophage which I was taking 3 times a day to keep me between 140 and 175 points all day. After starting with 7 Steps to Health, I noticed that I was able to reduce the Glucophage to just 2 times a day and keep my sugar stabilized below 140 all day. By the end of my first month of all these nutrition interventions, I was able to reduce the Glucophage to 1 time per day and stay stable at 109-115. My doctor is happy. I've been following the 7 Steps to Health for 6 months now and I am stable around 90! My doctor was so impressed that he took me off the Glucophage completely. Thank you so much! Every one should know about this wonderful ebook! God Bless. -Gary, Austin TX km I am joining your amazing cause. I live very far away and internet here is scarce, but I have been sharing this information with all of my relatives and friends. I have been suffering for years before I learned of the information in your book. I've applied everything, followed the directions and am now feeling better than ever. Thank you so much! Kamau, Papua New Guinea About a year ago, after an extended period of feeling totally exhausted everyday, I decided to see a doctor. He told me that my blood sugar was between 325 and 375. and that I needed to go on insulin. I really did not want to do that, so I did some research online and I found your 7 Steps to Health website. The site and the research made a lot of sense, so I decided to try the scientifically proven nutritional approach to my diabetes. Since starting, I've been able to maintain my blood sugar at 100 to 120. My strength and energy has slowly returned and I feel a lot better now. I plan on continuing this amazing lifestyle for the rest of my life and I would highly recommend it. -Sunny M, Santa Fe NM jna I found your site when searching for alternatives to treat my blood sugar rather than using drugs. Your site was very informative and much more thorough than others. I bought the book. Followed it, and, can't believe it but I am feeling much better. My blood sugar is down, my drug dosages are down, and the doctor said I can even stop taking my drugs soon if I keep this up. Love it! Your 7 Steps to Health book is a life saver and I would urge every diabetic to read it. -Joanna, Oakland CA sal Wanted to send you this thanks email! Just got back from the doctor and he said to continue doing whatever it is I'm doing as everything is looking great. Thanks for all the help. I feel amazing! -Sal, Brisbane, Australia stvv If only I found this site before! The life saving information changed my life around. Thanks a lot for opening my eyes. I can't believe how much money I've wasted buying all those drugs. With your help, no more! I have lost a lot of weight, and my doctor can't believe his eyes when he sees me at my appointments. I am off my blood pressure meds and insulin. thank you! Stav, Gloucestershire, England vns After I was diagnosed at 29 I wanted to try anything at all to get better. I had tingling in my arms, numbness, eye sight problems, and my legs would cramp up after long walks. After trying your 7 Steps program and following it exactly I am happy to say that my pains are going away! I am feeling way better now than I've ever felt before. Blood sugar is normalized and no numbness. My eyes are even getting better. It was hard at first, changing so many things in my died. I never knew how absolutely horrendous the food that I was eating was. I was slowly killing myself and didn't even know it. But after sticking to it, I am now much better. Make sure to take vitamins and drink lots of water. Great job! -Vanessa T, Texas jry I'd like to send you my heartfelt review to anyone who is also suffering and is thinking of giving up hope. After my diagnosis I thought that was the end, that I have sinned and am now being punished for something I did. Felt like my life was done, over. I had nothing to lose, so I tried the 7 Steps to Health, and you know what? I can't believe this. I stuck to the plan and have succeeded. The main thing to remember is stick to it, Max knows his stuff. The research is solid and the methods work. How many years did it take you to get the way you are? Well it's going to take a bit of time to get back to normal health, nothing happens overnight. I am extremely happy and would encourage everyone to try the program. Jerry, Raleigh, North Carolina br I am writing to tell you what an incredible impact these methods had on my life! I have had type 2 diabetes for 27 years. For me, the worst part of this horrible disease is the severe pain I constantly get in my feet. The pain is so bad that I avoid standing and walking as much as possible. I've got to tell you that within the first month, my feet stopped hurting altogether and I can now walk totally pain free. Believe it or not, I even danced at my niece's wedding last month, something I have not done in a many years. I've been following the book for six months now and my blood sugar is well within normal range. I feel great and just wanted to thank you for the improvement you have made in the quality of my life. -Brian, Reno NV shr I am a 45 year old woman and was recently diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic. I knew something was wrong because, I have always been healthy my whole life, but of late began feeling exhausted all the time. My doctor prescribed some medication, but before filling it I decided to do some research on the internet which led me to the 7 Steps to Health. After reading your ebook and applying the methods, my scepticism turned to 100% belief. I noticed that my energy levels increased significantly and I felt more rested in the morning, my symptoms started going away and I was even losing weight. I am very happy to tell you that I have been feeling better than I have felt in years and my doctor informed me that he will be taking me off my prescriptions if I keep this up. This book is a godsend. -Sherry, Denver CO mrtn I am a type 2 diabetic, who also has high cholesterol. I have tried several medications (for both my diabetes and my high cholesterol) but just hated the side effects. I found this site while searching for alternative treatments. After changing my lifestyle quite a bit and doing everything in the book for nearly 3 months, I had my annual checkup. I did not say a word to my doctor about what I had been taking. When the lab results came back, he personally called me and I could tell that was obviously very excited. He asked me What the heck I had been doing because my glucose reading had gone down 32 points and my cholesterol profile had significantly improved as well. You've made a believer out of me and my doctor. Thank you so much! -Merton, Richmond VA alc I have totally changed my eating habits as outlined in the 7 Steps to Health and am totally amazed at the results I have gotten, in such a short period of time. My blood sugar has averaged 103 over the past two weeks compared to the 160 I was averaging before. This is far better than I was expecting, particularly so soon. As you can imagine, I am delighted. -Alice, Bakersfield CA stv I have enjoyed your program immensely. I know that it will be easy for me to adopt this as a lifestyle. I have lost weight every week and I feel so much better than before. I am 5'6 and started out at 204 pounds. I have a big frame and have lost 48 pounds in 7 months! I want to compliment your program on its balance and emphasis on nutrition. A wonderful benefit other than feeling better and having more energy is that my problem with leg cramps has almost disappeared. I see that for me the key to weight control is planning - thinking about what I eat and portion control. When I do that, it works beautifully and I'm not hungry. -Steve, Canberra, Australia PreviousNext what you get in the 7 steps diabetes lie Page 430 - Learn about the simple foods found in any grocery store that: Are 2 times more successful at eliminating the need for diabetes medication than the diet recommended by the American Diabetes Association. Have been shown to destroy type 2 diabetes in 74% of patients while eliminating metabolic syndrome in 100% of children. End the need for insulin injections while normalizing blood sugar and cholesterol - without using prescription drugs. Page 433 - Find out the nutrition tricks a Norwegian endocrinologist used to help many of his 18,000 patients completely come off insulin and other diabetes medications and how you too can apply these same methods to fight your diabetes. All using regular foods found right in your grocery store. Page 400 - The exact foods and the portions to eat them in that have been shown to completely eliminate neuropathy pain in 81% of patients. Proven in a study at Loma Linda University in California. Page 382 - Learn how you can safely lower your cholesterol levels by 25-30% without using prescription drugs. Page 103 - We reveal the absolutely mind blowing, scientifically proven methods that have been shown to help people lower their chance of dying from all causes by 43%. No need for drugs, pills, injections, shakes, powders or crazy diets. Page 48 - The reason why most people are always hungry, and the simple step you can take to reduce your food cravings to almost nothing. Page 177 - How the FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) prohibited the sale of natural treatments even though they knew those remedies could save thousands of lives. Page 32 - Learn how high fructose corn syrup HFCS is making you gain weight and causing serious health detriments and why you need to avoid this sugar for your own good. Page 183 - See how drug studies are specifically structured to get the positive results pharmaceutical companies want. Things like using younger, healthier people in studies for drugs that will be sold to older people. Page 109 - Learn which foods and additives are causing thyroid imbalance and how you can easily improve your thyroid function by adding this mineral to your diet. “...Japanese women, who have one of the lowest breast cancer rates in the world, ingest this mineral...” Page 75 - Simple methods showing you how you can eat less and feel fuller. Page 22 - This ingredient in bread is now being linked to countless diseases including cancer! Page 31 - How a single teaspoon of sugar lowers your immune system by up to 50% for 24 hours. This makes you more suceptible to the flu, colds, and other infections. Page 43 - People who eat this common sweetener showed enlarged livers, kidneys, and shrunken thymus glands. Page 49 - Why milk may actually be causing osteoporosis and other terrible health consequences. And learn the shocking truth about todays factory produced milk that has traces of up to 80 different antibiotics, growth hormones and animal pus. We also show you the top healthy alternatives. Page 63 - Discover how diet soda and other 'diet' products actually cause you to gain weight, spike blood sugar and are dangerous for your health. Page 298 - Discover the exact step by step solution that helped 96% of study subjects completely end the need for insulin medication, proven at the University of Kentucky and the Virginia Medical Center. Page 430 - Shocking scientific findings that discovered which foods when eaten in the right amounts work nearly two times better than Metformin - the leading diabetes drug at normalizing blood sugar! The people following these methods don't need to take any more drugs or inject insulin. Proven in a study from the George Washington School of Medicine. Page 81 - See how a certain food that 85% of the world eats on a daily basis spikes blood sugar, increases inflammation, makes your diabetes worse, and has been shown to raise the risk of diabetes in healthy people by 170%! Page 402 - Discover the truth about a spice that you probably have in your kitchen cabinet right now and how it increases glucose metabolism twenty-fold! Thereby lowering blood sugar and helping stop diabetes. Page 380 - See the exact foods scientists discovered that can lower your risk of dying from cancer by 67% Page 380 - Learn the secret thousands have used to normalize blood pressure. People with high blood pressure were able to lower it by over 38% without using drugs or pills! Page 326 - Find out how people increased their longevity by at least 50% (live 50% longer) and lower incidences of most diseases by taking a few vitamins, as proven by numerous studies across the world. Page 62 - Learn which foods you can munch on all day without gaining weight and which so called "healthy" foods you have to stay far away from. Page 250 - Learn why counting calories is completely unnecessary, and how you can lose weight without worrying about counting anything! Page 311 - Knowing how keeping your body’s PH level normalized is your key to preventing most diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, hormone imbalance, immune deficiency, kidney problems, headaches, etc.). Learn a simple method to test your body’s PH level and how you can easily keep it within safe levels. Page 327 - Find out what vitamins can replace a bad or improper diet and which vitamins are needed to stay healthy and rid your body of disease. You will learn why “dieting” is not the answer to your health or weight loss problems and may actually be doing you more harm! Page 50 - How you can strengthen your immune system by changing a few things in your diet. Page 25 - Find out how Splenda/NutraSweet and other so called healthy zero calorie sweeteners in drinks actually make you pack on the pounds. Discover how these sweeteners trick your brain, hinder your body’s ability to estimate caloric intake, and make you gain weight Page 41 - This toxic food additive has been linked to overstimulating your nervous system causing headaches, anxiety, seizures, joint pain, and depression. Page 47 - Learn to distinguish between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. Omega 3, omega 6, saturated fats, unsaturated fats - which are healthy, and which do you need to stay away from. Page 61 - Find out the truth about protein, energy and meal replacement bars that the industry does not want you to know about. Loaded with dangerous fillers, preservatives, colors and sweeteners. Page 86 - We show you the truth about so called "healthy" butter alternatives like margarine that are nothing but synthetic lab made chemicals and have been linked to cancer. Page 436 - Learn the 7 easy steps to perfect health, the culmination of all the research, studies, data, and thousands of testimonials into an easy, simple and complete step by step solution to kick your diabetes butt for good. 100 Has your doctor ever offered you a written guarantee? What about the drugs you take; do they guarantee results? Well we do. This is why you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Our #1 goal is to help you with an easy to use guide that you can start using today. We don’t want a penny of your money if our program doesn’t completely overhaul your life for the better. This is why we extend to you this written 60 day money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason - send us an email and we will refund all of your money. We hope this takes the pressure off of your decision and eases your mind about trying our risk-free program. We'll Help You Along the Way We don't want you to go this path alone. Which is why you will get access to 30 days of free email help from our experts with any health questions you might have as you put our guide to use in battling your diabetes. “How Much Is This Going to Cost Me?” You will be getting over 500 pages of scientifically proven, doctor verified information that you will not find anywhere else, not even bookstores. Think about how much time and money you can save! The average diabetic spends over $750 every year on medication, pumps, blood sugar monitors, testing strips, syringes, needles, foot care... imagine being free of this burden. Monthly cost of dialysis treatments for diabetics is over $40,000 The time spent going to doctors, specialists, checkups - something you won't have to do as often anymore. Think about all the diabetic complications you can potentially avoid; heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, strokes, higher risk of cancer, amputations and so many other horrible ailments that many diabetics will face. After releasing our book to be evaluated by doctors and other health professionals, we were told that we need to price this book in the hundreds of dollars because of the information inside. We were advised to sell it for $182.99. For the amount of work we put in, that price seemed fair. We know that the information in the book can save lives, but we don't want to profit off others suffering. We did not start the International Council for Truth in Medicine to become rich, we simply want to help as many people as possible. This is why we settled on a bargain basement reduced price of just $77. But we don't know how long we can keep the price so low. If our operating costs go up, so will the price of the book. WAIT! You Qualify For The 50% Pre-Sale Discount... (Applying Now) A Choice That is Worth Making - NOW Do you leave this page and go back to the same old routine of taking prescription drugs, injections and trying weird diets? None of which have worked for you or the hundreds of millions of diabetics around the world. Or do you try our revolutionary, scientifically proven and satisfaction guaranteed 7 Steps to Health method to get your health back on track? The choice is up to you. Remember; we guarantee that our methods work - or you get your money back. You have absolutely nothing to lose. what is the ictm - international council for truth in medicine Created and led by Max Sidorov, we are a group like minded doctors and health professionals who strive to bring you the latest scientific findings and newest health treatment methods in an easy to read and use format. The scientifically proven treatments we compile must work better, safer, and cost less than prescription drugs or injections traditionally prescribed by most doctors. The ICTM helps you take your health into your own hands by assembling scientific literature into easy to read and understand health guides that have already been used by tens of thousands of people all around the world to relieve their problems and regain their health. Here's a map of everyone we've helped already: world map of everyone we have helped questions or comments send us an email Please remember, even though this information has been scientifically proven in countless studies on thousands of patients, by law we have to tell you to consult your doctor before using any of these methods. References: 1. 1a. 1b. 3. 5. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. and 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Terms | Disclaimer | Shipping / Returns | Privacy Policy | Max in the news | Contact | Affiliates Copyright ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank's sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Good Fruit of the Tree of Life

Learn through the Life experiences of others that will make you grow and be enrich. 01/22/20110 Comments A Good Fruit of the Tree of Life Obedience to the Lord God of Heaven is like one planting a Tree of Life. That as it takes root in the Kingdom of Heaven - it anchors his/her age to firm foundation,absorbed eternal Laws of progression. And as its trunk appears,grows in the knowledge of the Kingdom of God. To where the Love for the Son of God Jesus Christ , conducting himself or herself for support - to the growth of its branch, for the growth of that fruit eternal life. Truthfully yours, Oscar del Rosario Add Comment

389 S 1300 W Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 +1 800-411-8151

PAGE INFO Address 389 S 1300 W, Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 Start Date Founded on April 25, 2008 Hours No hours available Short Description Official dōTERRA Facebook Page: dōTERRA offers CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils. This page shares US and Canada promotions. Long Description dōTERRA International, LLC produces and distributes exceptionally high quality CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils through more than a million independent distributors, also known as Wellness Advocates, around the world. In addition to a premium line of essential oils used by individuals and health-care professionals alike, the company also offers products that are naturally safe, purely effective, and infused with CPTG essential oils, including personal care and spa products, nutritional supplements, and healthy living products. Mission The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is dōTERRA International’s registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to improving lives through partnering with organizations that offer hope to millions around the world. Healing Hands seeks to bring healing and hope to the world, for lives free of disease and poverty, and to ultimately empower impoverished communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant. dōTERRA International, LLC provides for all overhead and administrative costs of the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, ensuring that 100 percent of all donations go directly to those receiving aid. Products Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature’s most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates. Single Oils Arborvitae Basil Bergamot Black Pepper Cardamom Cassia Cedarwood Cilantro Cinnamon Clary Sage Clove Coriander Cypress Douglas Fir Eucalyptus Fennel Frankincense Geranium Ginger Grapefruit Helichrysum Juniper Berry Lavender Lemon Lemongrass Lime Marjoram Melaleuca Melissa Myrrh Oregano Patchouli Peppermint Roman Chamomile Rosemary Sandalwood Spearmint Thyme Vetiver White Fir Wild Orange Wintergreen Ylang Ylang Oil Blends AromaTouch® Massage Blend doTERRA Balance® Grounding Blend doTERRA Breathe® Respiratory Blend Citrus Bliss® Invigorating Blend Clary Calm® Monthly Blend for Women Deep Blue® Soothing Blend DigestZen® Digestive Blend Elevation Joyful Blend HD Clear® Topical Blend Immortelle Anti-Aging Blend InTune® Focus Blend On Guard Protective Blend PastTense® Tension Blend Purify Cleansing Blend doTERRA Serenity® Calming Blend Slim & Sassy® Metabolic Blend Whisper™ Blend for Women Zendocrine® Detoxification Blend doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy™ Kit doTERRA Motivate™ Encouraging Blend doTERRA Cheer™ Uplifting Blend doTERRA Passion™ Inspiring Blend doTERRA Console™ Comforting Blend doTERRA Forgive™ Renewing Blend doTERRA Peace™ Reasurring Blend Phone +1 800-411-8151 Email Website

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Healthy Food @ThatsNutrition Variety of healthy food daily, recipes, and more! Follow to get inspired. Joined January 2014 2,671 Photos and videos

you do not get to tell me

Daily Life 2 hours ago "I am 15 years old. You do not get to sexualise me like that, you do not get to tell me that my body is sacred, because it isn't."


Known as a popular cooking spice, Oregano also acts as a powerful cleansing agent, and offers powerful antioxidants*—extending its uses far beyond the kitchen.

Published on May 8, 2015 Oregano is a potent and powerful essential oil that has been used for centuries in traditional health practices and cuisines. Used both internally and externally, Oregano oil has a variety of influential uses and benefits. Oregano essential oil is a powerful cleaning and purifying agent and can be used as a quick way to clean surfaces. It can also be applied topically to the skin. Because Oregano is rich with carvacoal and thymol, which are chemical components from the phenols group, the oil should be diluted with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil before use on skin. Additionally, caution should also be taken when inhaling or diffusing Oregano. Aromatically, Oregano oil emits a sharp, herbaceous scent. Oregano oil can also be taken internally by adding one drop of Oregano oil to four fluid ounces of liquid. It is a great source for adding flavor to food and can be used in place of dried oregano. Oregano used internally can also help support healthy digestion and respiratory function, as well as a healthy immune system.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For more Oregano essential oil uses and benefits, visit the Oregano oil product page. Find Oregano essential oil recipes on the doTERRA product blog.

Oregano Convention

Watch out for The Oregano Convention !

Friday, August 19, 2016

Beef Bone Broth

Beef Bone Broth Ingredients 3 pounds beef soup bones (knuckle, neck, or marrow bones) 1 cup water 4 medium carrots, cut up 3 medium onions, unpeeled and cut up 6 stalks celery with leaves, cut up 2 tablespoons dried basil or thyme, crushed 1 tablespoon salt 20 whole black peppercorns 16 sprigs fresh parsley 4 bay leaves 6 cloves garlic, unpeeled and halved 18 cups cold water 2 tablespoons cider vinegar Directions Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Place soup bones in a large shallow roasting pan. Roast about 45 minutes or until browned, turning once. Place soup bones in a 10- to 12-quart stockpot. Pour the 1 cup water into the roasting pan and scrape up browned bits; add water mixture to pot. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring to boiling; reduce heat to low. Gently simmer, covered, 8 to 12 hours. (For a gentle simmer, you should see tiny bubbles coming to the surface. You will want to monitor cooking so it does not boil. Gentle cooking helps to draw out and develop the flavor of the broth.) Remove soup bones from broth. Scoop out as many vegetables as you can with a slotted spoon. Strain broth through 4 layers of 100-percent-cotton cheesecloth placed in a colander. Discard vegetables and seasonings. If using the broth while hot, skim fat. Or chill broth in a bowl at least 6 hours; lift off fat with a spoon. Place broth in airtight containers. Cover and chill up to 3 days or freeze up to 6 months. If desired, when bones are cool enough to handle, remove meat. Chop meat; discard bones. Place meat in airtight containers. Cover and chill up to 3 days or freeze up to 3 months. From the Test Kitchen SLOW COOKER DIRECTIONS Prepare as directed, except reduce all ingredients by half. Roast bones as directed in Step 1. Pour the 1 cup water into the roasting pan and scrape up browned bits. In a 6-quart slow cooker combine the water mixture and remaining ingredients. Cover and cook on low 10 to 12 hours. Remove soup bones from broth. Continue as directed in Step 3. Makes about 9 cups. Per 1 cup: 32 cal., 1 g fat (0 g sat. fat), 10 mg chol., 151 mg sodium, 1 g carb., 0 g fiber, 4 g pro. Nutrition analysis per serving: 32 calories, 4 g protein, 1 g carbohydrate, 1 g total fat (0 g sat. fat), 10 mg cholesterol, 0 g fiber, 0 g total sugar, 13% Vitamin A, 3% Vitamin C, 151 mg sodium, 2% calcium, 4% iron PRESSURE COOKER DIRECTIONS Prepare as directed, except reduce all ingredients by half. Roast bones as directed. Pour 1/2 cup water into the roasting pan and scrape up browned bits. In a 6-quart stovetop or electric pressure cooker combine the water mixture and remaining ingredients. Lock lid in place. Set electric cookers on high pressure to cook for 1 1/2 hours. For stovetop cookers, bring up to pressure over medium-high heat according to manufacturer's directions; reduce heat enough to maintain steady (but not excessive) pressure according to manufacturer's directions. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Remove from heat. For electric and stovetop models, let stand to release pressure naturally for at least 15 minutes or according to manufacturer's directions. If necessary, carefully open steam vent to release any remaining pressure. Open lid carefully. Continue as directed in recipe. Makes about 10 cups. Nutrition analysis per serving: 29 calories, 4 g protein, 1 g carbohydrate, 1 g total fat (0 g sat. fat), 9 mg cholesterol, 0 g fiber, 0 g total sugar, 12% Vitamin A, 3% Vitamin C, 136 mg sodium, 2% calcium, 3% iron Per 1 cup: 29 cal., 1 g fat (0 g sat. fat), 9 mg chol., 136 mg sodium, 1 g carb., 0 g fiber, 4 g pro. THE BONES: Look for soup bones at your meat counter. Neck bones, back bones, and marrow bones are good choices. Ask your butcher to cut the marrow bones into 2 to 3 inch lengths; this helps expose more of the marrow. You also can save bones from pot roasts and steaks to use for stock. Simply store them in an airtight container in the freezer until you are ready to use them. Be super thrifty and save your bones from prepared broth. They can be reused for another batch of broth. The broth won't have as much flavor in the second round, but will still make good broth. Nutrition Facts (Beef Bone Broth) Per serving: 36 kcal cal., 1 g fat (0 g sat. fat, 0 g polyunsaturated fat, 0 g monounsatured fat), 11 mg chol., 170 mg sodium, 2 g carb., 0 g fiber, 0 g sugar, 5 g pro. Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet Recipe Collections Best-Ever Slow Cooker Ideas Our Favorite Casseroles Related Categories Soup Recipes

Introducing Facebook's new terrestrial connectivity systems — Terragraph and Project ARIES

Facebook believes that people — no matter where they live — deserve a consistent, high-bandwidth internet experience. While access to high-speed internet varies across the globe, both developing and developed economies can suffer from insufficient data rates. Slow internet speed is especially prevalent in developing economies where mobile networks are often unable to achieve data rates better than 2G. Developed economies are hampered by Wi-Fi and LTE infrastructure that is unable to keep up with the exponential growth in the consumption of photos and video at higher and higher resolutions. While solutions such as GPON optical fiber can provide 100s of megabits up to several gigabits of capacity, the high costs associated with laying the fiber makes the goal of ubiquitous gigabit citywide coverage unachievable and unaffordable for almost all countries. Similarly, conventional means of increasing the capacity of wireless networks, such as licensing more radio frequency spectrum or installing more base stations, are costly and difficult in both urban and rural areas. Facebook's Connectivity Lab is working on a range of new technology solutions to help connect the unconnected and improve the experience of the underserved. Today we announced two new terrestrial systems focused on improving the speed, efficiency, and quality of internet connectivity around the world — Terragraph and Project ARIES (Antenna Radio Integration for Efficiency in Spectrum). Terragraph Terragraph is a 60 GHz, multi-node wireless system focused on bringing high-speed internet connectivity to dense urban areas. Utilizing commercial off-the-shelf components and leveraging the cloud for intensive data processing, the Terragraph system is optimized for high-volume, low-cost production. Delivering gigabits of capacity requires multiple gigahertz of spectrum via frequency reuse. Although 60 GHz has traditionally been avoided due to its high absorption of oxygen and water, countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, China, South Korea, Japan, and others saw the benefit of making this part of the spectrum — also known as “V-band” — unlicensed, similar to the Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Up to 7 GHz of bandwidth is available in the 60 GHz band, and forward-thinking countries like the United States are seeking input to expand this to a total of 14 GHz. One of the beneficiaries of this decision is WiGig, an enhancement to the Wi-Fi standard, designed to provide in-room high-bandwidth communication. Terragraph’s wireless system consists of radios that are based on the WiGig standard and are designed for consumer electronics, which allowed us to create nodes that are inexpensive relative to traditional telecom infrastructure. Given the limited range of the 60 GHz signal, these nodes are placed across a city at 200-250 meter intervals. The vast bandwidth and unique signal-absorbing nature of the band limits interference and simplifies network planning, while the unlicensed nature of the spectrum helps to further minimize costs. Designed to provide street level coverage, Terragraph implements a phase array antenna to retain the highly directional signal required for 60 GHz, but makes it steerable to communicate over a wide area. Given the architecture of the network, Terragraph is able to route and steer around interference typically found in dense urban environments, such as tall buildings or internet congestion due to high user traffic. Urban deployment of Terragraph network. Terragraph also leverages technology created to manage Facebook's massive data center infrastructure. We implemented IPv6-only nodes, an SDN-like cloud compute controller, and a new modular routing protocol for fast route convergence and failure detection. We also re-architected the MAC layer to solve the shortcomings of TCP/IP over a wireless link. By implementing a high performance TDMA-TDD MAC, we saw up to 6x improvement in network efficiency and at the same time made TCP/IP predictable compared to the existing Wi-Fi/WiGig standard. Finally, Terragraph incorporates attributes and industrial design required for fast, attractive, and affordable deployment across cityscapes. Its reduced interference and ability to operate in non-line-of-sight conditions increases customer reach. For customers or business in multi-dwelling units or high-rises, the Terragraph system can be externally attached to a building and connected to an in-building Ethernet data network. Combined with Wi-Fi access points, Terragraph is one of the lowest cost solutions to achieve 100 percent street-level coverage of gigabit Wi-Fi. Terragraph four sector distribution node (left) and Terragraph prototype node (right). Project ARIES Our other focus is on a transmission technology that is a) spectrally efficient (total number of bits transmitted per unit of radio spectrum bps/Hz), allowing for higher throughput in even the smallest bandwidths, and b) energy efficient (total number of bits transmitted per unit Joule energy spent b/J), allowing for extended coverage range. Project ARIES is our proof-of-concept effort to build a test platform for incredibly efficient usage of spectrum and energy: A base station with 96 antennas, it can support 24 streams simultaneously over the same radio spectrum. We currently are able to demonstrate 71 bps/Hz of spectral efficiency, and when complete ARIES will demonstrate an unprecedented 100+ bps/Hz of spectral efficiency. Today, 4G cellular and WLAN systems use a technology called MIMO — multiple input, multiple output. The progression toward 5G comes with Massive MIMO, an advanced wireless technology that uses a large number of antennas. ARIES is an embodiment of such a technology — by using the notion of “spatial multiplexing,” the antenna array at the base station can serve a multiplicity of autonomous user terminals on the same time-frequency resource. This spatial resource sharing policy serves as an alternative not only to the need for spectrum licensing, but also the procurement of additional base stations in conventional cell-shrinking strategies. Massive MIMO systems with an excessively large number of antennas have recently gained attention, thanks to asymptotic results on random matrix theory that illustrate how the effects of uncorrelated noise and small-scale fading are virtually eliminated as the number of antennas in a MIMO cell grows large. Massive MIMO systems are also versatile over a wide range of system parameters. For instance, the beamforming gain afforded by using a large number of transmit antennas may be used to overcome the large path-loss associated with millimeter wave links in urban areas. Alternatively, the beamforming gain may be harnessed at lower frequencies to provide wide-coverage connectivity to rural areas, and this is our focus. Given such promises, the practical and theoretical aspects of massive MIMO systems are being examined for potential beyond-4G wireless communications deployments by standardization entities such as the third generation partnership project (3GPP), and by many industrial base-station and device manufacturers worldwide. First version of our prototype antenna array with 96 transmit antennas providing 10x spectral and energy efficiency gains. Testing and deployment Terragraph can make an immediate difference to help drive down the cost of providing data while giving people a high-quality experience. We're currently testing Terragraph at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park and preparing a broader trial with the city of San Jose in California. We selected the latter for its mix of building types and neighborhoods, its proximity to Menlo Park, and the city’s commitment to demonstrating new technologies through the mayor’s Smart City Vision. So far, we have demonstrated 1.05 Gbps bidirectional (2.1 Gbps total throughput per distribution node) in P2P mode, up to 250 meters away. This means up to 8.4 Gbps of total traffic per installation point assuming 4 sectors, and we think this number can be as high as 12.8 Gbps in the future. In P2MP mode, the system is able to autodiscover the location of the client nodes, and we have been able to demonstrate electronically beam-forming the signals between 2 client nodes in 8 microseconds, or about 125,000 times per second. We'll continue to invest in the program with our partners, building large-scale trial networks in multiple markets around the world to demonstrate the potential value and efficiency of the technology. We're working on making this technology open and interoperable via unlicensed spectrum, just like Wi-Fi itself. We hope to allow new types of high bandwidth networks and business models for their deployments to be developed. We’ll also continue to iterate on Terragraph and determine the best approach to contribute it to TIP (Telecom Infra Project) so we can bring its benefits to the wider ecosystem. For ARIES, we have a working testbed that conclusively demonstrates the 10x spectral and energy efficiency gains of 4G cellular with massive MIMO technology in point to multi-point deployments. From our recent population distribution study across 20 countries, we know that nearly 97 percent of the global population lives within 40 kilometers of a major city. As such, we are interested in developing this technology to harness the incredible gains in providing communications to rural communities from city centers. Additionally, providing backhaul to rural environments can be prohibitively expensive, but the hope with systems such as these is that costly rural infrastructure can be avoided while still providing high-speed connectivity. Moreover, we would like to make this technology open to the wireless communications research and academic community, so we can help build and improve on the already implemented algorithms or devise new ones that will help solve broader connectivity challenges of the future. 0:00 Connectivity Lab Project ARIES Posted by Facebook Engineering 1,695 Views More to Read React Native: A year in review Related Announcing The Connectivity Lab at Facebook Building communications networks in the stratosphere Connecting the world with better maps Connectivity Lab custom-designs two-axis gimbal for air-to-air and air-to-ground laser communications Recommended Introducing “Wedge” and “FBOSS,” the next steps toward a disaggregated network Flying Aquila: Early lessons from the first full-scale test flight and the path ahead Facebook and World IPv6 Day Connectivity Lab custom-designs two-axis gimbal for air-to-air and air-to-ground laser communications Want to work with us? Join the team, we're hiring! Here are some of our current open positions: Software Engineer, Search Ranking Software Engineer, Infrastructure Software Engineer, Big Data Performance and Capacity Engineer (Workload Characterization) Software Engineer, Infrastructure Connect Follow us on Twitter Keep Updated Stay up-to-date via RSS with the latest open source project releases from Facebook, news from our Engineering teams, and upcoming events. Subscribe Open Source React HHVM Hack Presto Buck More Projects Community @fbOpenSource Engineering Page Facebook Research Facebook Developers Open Compute Project On GitHub Facebook Instagram Parse OculusVR News Blog Events Videos Facebook © 2016AboutCareersPrivacyCookiesTermsHelp