Monday, October 31, 2016

When you meet someone new try to focus on the things that are true about him or her. Don't get lost in some romantic fantasy but look at how he or she expresses or shows his or her love. Look for the aspects of real love (agape). Share your thoughts. If you enjoy our love messages and would like to learn new insights on love check out my books. Thanks for being a big part of this love conversation. ~John Estrellas — with Payel Chanda, Ma Ajij, Prashant Shinde and Shöûryä Tömâr.

The little things that can mean so much and make all the difference. Share your thoughts.If you enjoy our love messages and would like to learn new insights on love check out my books. Thanks for being a big part of this love conversation. ~John Estrellas — with Alex Mulexis Anderson, Tefo Malefane, Leslie Jara Lagunday, Alex Uchiha Jr., Narlyn Tambo-on, Ruvimae D. Polido and The Quote Fountain.

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